The Buddy Scheme is a peer to peer support scheme co-ordinated by the Students’ Union that helps new students settle into life at University and Brighton.
The Buddy Scheme matches current Sussex students (Buddy Scheme Volunteers) with new incoming students (Buddy Scheme Members or Sign-Ups) according to their preferences, such as interests, course and language.
The Buddy Scheme Volunteers will meet up or communicate with their matched Buddy Scheme Members for at least one hour a week. It is a flexible, informal scheme so it is up to buddies where they meet and what they do. We just say to be sensible.
Buddy Scheme Volunteers have lots of tips and useful information about university and Brighton which is really valuable to new students. They will act as a ‘go to’ person if a new student has any worries or questions. They have been through the transition into University life already and can identify with new students’ experiences. We feel that it is more meaningful to new students to be matched with a peer who will know exactly what it is like being a current student at Sussex, what problems they have faced and where to go to have the most fun.
The Buddy Scheme runs a series of events and activities for buddies to get involved in such as coffee afternoons, walks, collabs with various Sussex Socities and trips off campus!. Check out the list of upcoming events.
The Buddy Scheme runs from March to March each year and is now open for applications for 2024/25. You are most welcome to sign up at any point during the year, though we don't match over summer.
Matching begins on A-Level Results Day: 15th August 2024. However you can sign up now.