Your guide to becoming a Buddy Scheme volunteer
The Buddy Scheme is run by the Students’ Union to help incoming students or current students who may be isolated by matching them with current students (Buddy Scheme Volunteers) who provide support by regularly keeping in touch and sharing their experiences and tips. The scheme offers the opportunity to make new friends from all walks of life and be a part of something that celebrates diversity in an informal, fun and sociable way.
Buddy Scheme projects could not function without people like you. The work that you will do in this role can really make a difference and this page is designed to support you to achieve the most out of your role.
Step 1: The Buddy Scheme Volunteer role
The purpose of this role is to match new students (or those that would like support) with current students (Buddy Scheme Volunteer) who provide them with informal support by sharing their experiences and tips, prior to Freshers Week and beyond.
Your role as a Buddy Scheme Volunteer is extremely important; you can really make a difference to another student’s experience at Sussex. By being a good, supportive Buddy, you will have a positive impact on the way a new student experiences Sussex.
Step 2: Training and information
- You will be invited by email to complete the Buddy Scheme Volunteer Online Training, this can take up to a week to come through, this training is optional but recommended and takes around 30 minutes to complete.
- Book a place on the Look After your Mate Workshop.
- Take a look at this really helpful interactive guide from Student Minds about how to support your friends through university life.
- The charity Rethink Mental Illness have released this wonderful flipping book - 'You've got a Friend in me'.
- Contact the Buddy Scheme team if you have questions, or would like to arrange a meeting with us by emailing
Step 3: Matching
- Matching will begin on ALevel Results Day.
- You will be matched with a group of students sized 1, 3 or 5 depending on your application and matching preferences, as matching is ongoing you might not get all your buddies at once, so keep an eye on your inbox.
- You will receive an email with the subject “You have been matched” notifying you of who you have been matched shortly so keep checking the email address you signed up with.
Step 4: Contacting your Buddy/ies
- Please contact your buddies as soon as possible after you are matched. It is expected that the Buddy Scheme Volunteer will reach out to their Buddies first, as often Buddies can be shy about sending the first email.
- Introduce yourself, exchange contact details (it can be through Facebook, Whatsapp or anything you are both/all comfortable with). Start getting to know each other.
- Please communicate with your buddy/ies for an hour a week for as long as your buddy needs over the semester.
- Your Buddy/Buddies should acknowledge that you are studying and other commitments too! Make it clear when you are available to meet and communicate and when you are not.
Step 5: Meeting your Buddy/ies (Optional)
- If you would like to meet your buddies in person, we recommend you meet in a public place on campus and follow the government coronavirus guidelines.
- If you have a group of buddies: discuss with them whether they would like to meet in a group individually first and choose a location that suits everyone!
- Before the meeting, ask yourself how you felt starting at Sussex and what would have been helpful to know.
Step 6: Come to our virtual events (optional)
The Buddy Scheme will be announcing our events here!
Step 7: Keep updated
Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram and Twitter
Step 8: Communicating with and supporting your buddy/ies
- Please continue your support for as long as your buddy needs over the semester
- Signpost your buddy to relevant support services if need be.
- If your Buddy is struggling to settle in, take a look at the Universities advice here.
- If you feel your Buddies are relatively settled, then why not check in once a week with them just to say hi and ask them how they are doing.
- If you are very concerned about your Buddy then please read the university's guidance on Looking Out For A Friend, visit the Student Life Centre or take a look at their urgent help pages. You can also contact the Buddy Scheme team. Remember - it’s not your responsibility to fix their problems, but you can help them find support.
- Maintain the professional boundaries of your voluntary role without guidance.
- The Students’ Union Advice team provides advice on University-related issues and housing for every Sussex student. If it’s not an area we cover then we can point you in the right direction to get help.
- It’s really important to look after your wellbeing and mental health. We have collected a number of links to resources and wellbeing services to support you when you need it here.
- You can sign up to Togetherall using your university email address to access a safe community to support your mental health, 24/7:
- Student Space from Student Minds will is here 24/7 for students in England and Wales: Support services
Step 9: Get rewarded and recognised
- Volunteering with the Buddy Scheme provides you with skills you can use when applying for jobs and further opportunities.
- You will qualify for a certificate of achievement and a reference by a member of the Buddy Scheme team.
- You can also nominate yourself for the Buddy Scheme Volunteer the year award at our annual Student Awards Ceremony.
Contact us
We are there for you! Please contact us at
Opt out of the Buddy Scheme