This form is for current students at Sussex University who want to help new students settle in. ( * required )
Pronouns are words which stand in for a name such as he/him, they/them, ze/hir, e/em. This will be sent to your buddy.
Please note: your phone number will be shared with your matched buddy
You will find this number on your Student ID Card, above the candidate number (Cand.No) and generally starts with a 3,4 or 5
e.g. if you ticked that you are a student that identifies with a particular group (LGBTQ+, Disabled Students or Students of Colour) please let us additional information that you think we should know
These are the preferences that will be used to choose who your buddy will be so please pick the 3 preferences that are most important to you and in the order of priority (please note: it may not be possible to match you by your preference but every effort will be made to do so)
I confirm that the information provided is, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete, and understand that providing false or misleading information could lead to my being asked to leave the scheme. In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 the information provided on this form will be used for my participation in the buddy scheme.
I understand that the information provided on this form may be entered onto a computerised database.
I agree that if I am paired with another student, the information given on this form may be shared with them.
From time to time your data may be shared with University departments for reporting reasons. This is not for marketing purposes