On Wednesday 20th April a coach load of buddies and international students descended on London for a night of musical entertainment.
We arrived early giving us two hours of free time before the curtains were due to go up. This was the perfect opportunity to grab a bite to eat or enjoy a spot of sightseeing before the show started, so we split up into groups and ventured off to find the perfect place. We decided on a typically English pub as they claimed to offer the “best fish and chips in London”; an international exchange student in the group wanted fish and chips and was super excited to try them for the first time, she ordered this along with her first ever ginger beer and, of course, she had the obligatory selfie to document her first taste, she loved it! The buddies shared stories and experiences of studying abroad at Sussex, one student claiming that the experience has been “life changing”.
We headed to the theatre and took to our seats, eagerly awaiting for the show to start, while admiring the beautiful interior. For many students on the trip it was their first ever musical so anticipation was high. The show started with giant animals marching down the aisles, including a huge elephant that brushed past us. The staging and costumes were out of this world, with Pride Rock appearing out of the floor – it was truly incredible! As the show came to an end, we took to our feet and gave a standing ovation; the perfect end to a breathtaking performance and a great trip.
“It was an excellent show! I would definitely recommend anyone to go to it” Buddy 2016