As this term comes to an end, so does the Buddy Scheme…for this year.
The Buddy Scheme has been running for some time and in doing so has improved the life of many students at Sussex University. This includes offering international students support as they transition into Brighton life and helping students who may be shy, or may not have had the best start at Sussex make the most of their time here. This is done by attending our events, meeting up outside of that, or simply just messaging one another.
If this has been beneficial to you this year, then why not sign up again and make the difference to someone’s life next year? We’re keen for our current volunteers to stay on and also for students who had a buddy this year to change things up and join as a volunteer. Not only will this opportunity make for excellent industry experience, but it will also mean that you make someone’s life at Sussex that bit better.
This volunteering opening is as flexible as you want it to be. We expect a minimum of one hours interaction a week between the student and their buddy. This could be via phone, or in person, which we recommend. We offer discounted drinks to buddies during Buddy Hour, which takes place twice a week in Room 76. Or you could take the opportunity try a sport in a social setting with Active US!
If you’re keen to get stuck in and support a new student, then sign up the usual way via our website. Alternatively, if you’d like to know more, contact the Buddy Scheme team on and we will be happy to help.