The Buddy Scheme is here for you to help you settle into your life at University and Brighton! It is there to help you with all social aspects with your new life here, ranging from where to find the best cafe and fish ‘n’ chips in town to having a friendly face to chat to. We offer a range of activities and events to help you explore Brighton and make new friends, which you can find here.
A part of that is also figuring out the sometimes confusing side of the world of academics. The University has established a Student Mentor Scheme to help you out with your academic issues and queries. These can be students in their second or third year and even postgraduate students. If you are struggling with a concept or anything related to your course then the student mentors will be there at set times to help you. Depending on your degree course, these are some of the things they can give you a helping hand with:
- Discuss active learning strategies for revision
- Time management of your studies
- Essay structuring, Preparing Lab Reports
- Learning how to reference
- Advice on text and reading lists
- Confidence and work worries
- Specific questions
The amount of sessions offered differ from school to school, so have a look on your school below to find out the times that mentoring is available to you. On their website they will also give you an email address where you can get in contact with them.
- Engineering/ Informatics:
- English:
- LPS:
- MFM:
- Psychology:
This Scheme is a confidential service, meaning that your personal information will not be shared. The Student Mentors are all fully trained lovely people (often also supplied with biscuits!). So if you’re new or old don’t be afraid to drop in and contact them!