Yes, A Level results have been released and students are finding out if they have made it into University, where they will living and, hopefully, who will be their Buddy. The Buddy Scheme is coming back bigger and better this academic year with new events, new activities and, most importantly, new students!
On Thursday 15th August, we began the annual task of matching and have been glad to see so many like-minded students on the scheme. We’ve noticed a particular spike in postgraduate and PhD students. We’ve also noticed plenty of international students, and luckily have put together a collection of events which means you’ll be able to make the most of your time in Brighton and the United Kingdom.
We know that over the next few days, you’ll be in contact with your buddies for the first time. The best way to do this is to chat over social media for a while or by email. If you’re in need of ice breakers to get conversation going, then go with something such as subject of study or interests. These are great for finding common ground. Additionally, discuss why you’ve both become part of the Buddy Scheme. After that, we will offer plenty of opportunities for you to meet up over the term.
The next few weeks will be manic, with getting everything ready for the move to Brighton, ensuring that you’re up to date with your studies and that you know where to go and what to do once you arrive at University. During that time, be sure to ask your buddies for advice, and if you need any further information, give us an email at and we’ll be happy to help.
Additionally, keep up with updates on what we’re doing at the Buddy Scheme by following us on our Twitter account, @USSUBuddyScheme and liking our Facebook page –