Have you visited any of Brighton Markets or Car Boot sales?
Why not have the ultimate British experience and explore one of Brighton’s famous car boot sales with your buddy and you might find a hidden treasure to decorate your room with! Every Sunday hundreds of people set up stalls out of their cars at Brighton Marina to sell all kinds of interesting things such as antique furniture, artwork, vintage clothes, crockery, games, books, plants and so much more! Entrance is free and it is open from 6am – 2pm every Sunday and the earlier you head down there the more you will find! To get there take the 23 bus from campus or the 7 bus from Old Steine.
Brighton also has lots of wonderful markets to explore with your buddy, where you can eat some delicious street food and maybe even get started on your Christmas shopping! Upper Gardner Street Market is open every Saturday of the year from 9am to early afternoon, located in the North lanes. It is a wonderful place to wander around and browse vintage clothes while eating something yummy!
The Open Market is also a fantastic place to visit on the weekend. You can buy your cheap veggies for the week (plastic free!), get some plants to brighten up your room and feast on delicious food from the many stalls and cafes. Sunday 3rd of November is the Open Market pre-Christmas shopping event with many local traders selling handmade gifts for the holiday season, from 10am-4pm.